Khulna General Hospital

General Hospital Khulna

About 250 Bedded General Hospital Khulna

The 250 Bedded General Hospital Khulna, established in 1938, is a medical institution, also known as “Sadar Hospital”, in Bangladesh. It is situated in the southern part of Bangladesh at city of Khulna near the Khulnazilla stadium by the bank of the river Vairab. This is one of the oldest institutions in Khulna, has a glorious performance in delivering healthcare in the population. Before 1938 this Hospital was known as Sadar Urban Dispensary. A plan to establish a modern hospital was taken into consideration in the years. So GHK was born. In its early days starting only with 50 Beds and almost without any infrastructure, the hospital began to run. Primary healthcare was given in the hospital. Thereafter many other facilities including pathological, radiological and emergency services were made available.

The mission of GHK is to provide healthcare to surrounding community affected with common diseases and health problems of the country. We are willing to serve the community particularly the urban population as well as surrounding rural people. Considering the care and safety of patients is our first concern.Establish and maintain good relationship with patients, their attendants are our motto. Honesty, trustworthy and act with integrity is our strength.  Our Doctors are committed to keep their knowledge and skill up-to-date through ‘Continuous Professional development’ all through their professional life.

The vision of the hospital is to provide a comprehensive, one-stop healthcare solution for the people of southern part of the country. The outpatient departments serve more than 600 patients daily. We have state-of-art Diagnostic facilities, Operation facilities, modern ICU and Indoor and Outdoor services. Our vision is to ensure world class health care solution for all.

Massage of Superintendent

250 Bedded General Hospital Khulna was established in 1938 by the Govt. to provide skilled health man power for serving the diseased people of Bangladesh. From the day one, general hospital Khulna has stood for quality, commitment and integrity as far as the country’s health service is concerned. Doctor’s performance is praiseworthy holding good position in the national survey. 

This institute is blessed with highly qualified doctors and modern logistics for conducting standard operating procedures. Political activity is strictly prohibited & the campus is smoking free zone.

All the doctors and staffs of250 Bedded General Hospital Khulna are working cordially for the improvement of this institute.

Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam Gazi


250 Bedded General Hospital Khulna,

Khulna, Bangladesh.

250 Bedded General Hospital ( District Sadar Hospital ) Khulna

নোটিশ বোর্ড

সতর্কীকরণ- বিভিন্ন সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমে হাসপাতালের নামে প্রতারক চক্র দ্বারা ভূয়া নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখে প্রতারিত না হওয়ার জন্য সতর্ক করা হইল।

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